I've read this blog (and readers' comments therein) with interest and it highlights UWP's binary compilation -- intended to boost performance -- but at the same time playing part in making reverse engineering difficult due to binary compilation. On making reverse engineering difficult, I have also come across various comments alluding to how the the async/await asynchronous programming plays an important role in obfuscation (but not seen a detailed analysis on the subject to quote as a reference). I have also noted an interesting kinda thought-provoking argument here which makes these evolving programming technologies even more interesting.
Does UWP .Net Native with asynchronous programming make obfuscation irrelevant? Can we feel that a plain UWP apps's intellectual property protection (IPP) is as good as a non UWP app with 'good' obfuscation?
I have always felt that obfusation is the wrong answer to the problem.
But you are correct: decompiling and reverse engineering the output of a .NET Native compiled program is much harder. It would in fact be even harder than what obfuscation on IL used to do. But it's still not impossible though.
Can we feel that a plain UWP apps's intellectual property protection (IPP) is as good as a non UWP app with 'good' obfuscation?
Yes, in fact, it will be even better.