PHPUnit - 'No tests executed' when using configuration file

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-12 07:28:51


The Problem

To improve my quality of code, I've decided to try to learn how to test my code using Unit Testing instead of my mediocre-at-best testing solutions.

I decided to install PHPUnit using composer for a personal library that allows me to achieve common database functions. At first I didn't have a configuration file for PHPUnit and when I ran commands like:

$ phpunit tests/GeneralStringFunctions/GeneralStringFunctionsTest

Please note that this is a terminal command, so I didn't include the .php extension. The GeneralStringFunctionsTest referred to above is actually a GeneralStringFunctionsTest.php file.

The output is what I expected:

Time: 31 ms, Memory: 2.75Mb

OK (1 test, 1 assertion)

I then tried to use a configuration file to automatically load the test suite instead of having to manually type in the file every time. I created a file called phpunit.xml in my root directory, and entered the following into the file:

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <testsuite name="Tests">

Now, when I run the command:


I get the following output:

PHPUnit 4.5.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Configuration read from /Users/muyiwa/Projects/DatabaseHelper/phpunit.xml

Time: 16 ms, Memory: 1.50Mb

No tests executed!

In case it's helpful, my directory structure is as follows:
src - Top level directory (with all my source code)
tests - Top level directory (with all my tests, structured the same as my src folder)
vendor - Composer third party files

I also have the composer json and lock file, as well as the phpunit xml file in the top level as files.

Things I've Tried

  • Changing the directory in phpunit.xml to tests/GeneralStringFunctions
  • Changing the directory in phpunit.xml to ./tests
  • Moving the phpunit.xml file to the tests directory and then changing the directory to be ./ instead of tests.
  • Adding a suffix attribute to the directory tag in phpunit.xml to specify "Tests" as the explicit suffix.


For what it's worth (being late), I ran into this recently while I was making a new Laravel 5.1 project for a simple website. I tried to debug it and was confused when I tried:

php artisan make:test homeTest

(which has a default test that just asserts true is true)

and saw the output

No tests executed!

What the problem ended up being for me was related to my PHP installation -- "phpunit" was globally registered and configured differently, whereas the phpunit that came with the Laravel installation was configured just right and ran perfectly.

So the fix is running the vendor's configured phpunit (from the same root directory as app/ and tests/):


Hope that helps someone else!


Your XML file is fine as it is. However, you have to make sure that the PHP files in your tests/ folder are named as follows:

tests/Test.php <--- Note the uppercase "T"

The filenames must end with "Test.php". This is what PHPUnit is looking for within directories.

Furthermore, every test method must have a name that starts with "test":

public function testFooBar()
    // Your test code

Hope that helps!


On windows use the following command on terminal


that's if the command


returns "No tests executed!"

while on Mac


Hope it helps.


I had the same problem after PHPUnit on our virtual machines updated to version 6. Even --debug and --verbose said nothing useful, just "No tests executed". In the end it turned out that classes and namespaces were changed in the new version and it just didn't want to execute the files that contained references to old classes. The fix for me was just to replace in every test case this:

class MyTestCase extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {...}


use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class MyTestCase extends TestCase {...}


You Need Just To Call It From Vendor File

vendor\bin\phpunit Notice \ Not /


I realize this is super old, but it just happened to me too. Hopefully this will help someone.

My problem was that I forgot the '@' symbol in /** @test */


/** test */
function a_thread_can_be_deleted()


/** @test */
function a_thread_can_be_deleted()


I pulled my hair for 10 minutes before i decided to use --debug (good way to go by the way) to discover the simple fact that file name didn't respect the naming convention, i had an extra "s" at the end.





hope this note could help for someone


if you are using PHPSTORM go to Settings then goto

  • Test Frameworks

    and click + and choose

  • PHPUnit Local then
  • Use Composer Auto Loader then paste this like in path to script field
  • C:\{YOUR PROJECT NAME}\vendor\autoload.php
  • click OK


Have you added a test suite to you phpunit.xml file?

    <testsuite name="app1" >

You can add multiple directories in there.


Check phpunit.xml file, look inside testsuites.

My version of phpunit (2019) is looking for files ending (suffix) *Test.php . So, make sure all the test files are named properly (ex.: BookTest.php is correct, BookTests.php is not, BookTestCase.php is not).


For me, using phpunit --debug showed me which test it was not executing, inside, I had


and I think because the directory was protected with .htaccess authentication, it could not get through to visit the page

The solution for me was to take out this test (or most likely take out .htaccess authentication)


This is very late but I hope it helps someone.

I got my tests to run by using an absolute reference. folder structure [ project/tests/test.php]

my directory line looked like this ./tests/test.php


A little bit on the side maybe, but if you are (like me) using Laravel in Vagrant, make sure you are running phpunit inside of the vagrant box and not on the "windows side". :)


I had the issue of no tests being executed, even when things were set up fine.

The cause was the namespace was not the first command of the file, it was after some doc-block comments.

reverting caused phpunit to see the tests and run correctly.


Mine was a bit funny.

When I used php artisan make:test I accidentally put .php like ProductRewardPointController.php which created ProductRewardPointController.php.php and phpunit simply ignored it.

I just delete the extra .php and things back to normal


I had the same issue of No tests executed!, solved by keeping the same name of file and class name.


If you are using IDEs like JetBrains PHPStorm, please also notice that: in the Run/Debug Configurations window, the Test scope needs to be set to directory and point that directory to where your tests folder located.

It just took me half an hour to figure out I forgot to set the directory. You can use global phpunit.phar as long as you set test scope and the directory correctly, the IDE will handle other stuff for you.


using de cmd console resolved this problem passing the enterely path Test realized

I did't find another way to do it It does not work from this way

I hope this was helpful for someone

