How to update/delete a single word in a line of text

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-12 07:03:39


I need your help with a slight problem I have. How can I update a portion of group of text separated by comma. When the text is entered into the database, it's a single line of text with commas between each words, but when I want to echo it out I use the explode function to separate them into individual words and not a single line of text like I have it in the database.

So my question now is, how can I make an update/Delete to a single word in the database. Remeber, I have it as a single line of text in the database, and I'm not interested in updating the whole line of text...just a single word in the text..


$text = "name,fname,lname,class,age" ;    
$newtext = explode(",", $text) ;


Could use the replace() function in the sql update query.

Update table SET text=REPLACE(text,'age','newstring')


Update or remove the word from your array, then implode the array and save the new value to the database field.

//Remove all instances of $value from $array
function array_remove($array, $value) {
  return array_filter($array, function ($e) use ($value) {
      return $e != $value;

// Add only unique values
function array_add($array, $value) {
  if (!in_array($value, $array))
    $array[] = $value;
  return $array;

$text = "name,fname,lname,class,age" ;
$newtext = explode(",", $text) ;
$newtext = array_remove($newtext, 'lname'); // Remove lname
$newtext = array_add($newtext, 'mail');     // Add mail
$newtext = array_add($newtext, 'class');    // Won't add it again
$newtext = implode(',', $newtext);          // name,fname,class,age,mail

