I am currently taking an AP Computer Science class in my school and I ran into a little trouble with one of my projects! The project requires me to create a calculator that can evaluate an expression and then solve it. I have got most of that down, but I ran into a little trouble because my teacher asked me to use a while loop to continuously ask for input and display the answer, and I am stuck on that. To end the program the user has to type in "quit" and I can't use system.exit()
or any cheating thing like that, the program has to just run out of code. Does anyone have any tips?
import java.util.*;
public class Calculator {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Welcome to the AP Computer Science calculator!!");
System.out.println("Please use the following format in your expressions: (double)(space)(+,-,*,/...)(space)(double)");
System.out.println("or: (symbol)(space)(double)");
public static void next() {
Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter an expression, or quit to exit: ");
String expression = kb.nextLine();
public static void next3(String expression) {
while (!expression.equals("quit")) {
public static void next2(String expression) {
if (OperatorFor2OperandExpressions(expression).equals("+")) {
System.out.println(FirstOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression) + " " + OperatorFor2OperandExpressions(expression) + " " + SecondOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression) + " = " + (FirstOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression) + SecondOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression)));
else if (OperatorFor2OperandExpressions(expression).equals("*")) {
System.out.println(FirstOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression) + " " + OperatorFor2OperandExpressions(expression) + " " + SecondOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression) + " = " + (FirstOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression) * SecondOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression)));
else if (OperatorFor2OperandExpressions(expression).equals("-")) {
System.out.println(FirstOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression) + " " + OperatorFor2OperandExpressions(expression) + " " + SecondOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression) + " = " + (FirstOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression) - SecondOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression)));
else if (OperatorFor2OperandExpressions(expression).equals("/")) {
System.out.println(FirstOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression) + " " + OperatorFor2OperandExpressions(expression) + " " + SecondOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression) + " = " + (FirstOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression) / SecondOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression)));
else if (OperatorFor2OperandExpressions(expression).equals("^")) {
System.out.println(FirstOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression) + " " + OperatorFor2OperandExpressions(expression) + " " + SecondOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression) + " = " + Math.pow(FirstOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression),SecondOperandFor2OperandExpressions(expression)));
else if (OperatorFor1OperandExpressions(expression).equals("|")) {
System.out.println(OperatorFor1OperandExpressions(expression) + " " + OperandFor1OperatorExpressions(expression) + " = " + Math.abs(OperandFor1OperatorExpressions(expression)));
else if (OperatorFor1OperandExpressions(expression).equals("v")) {
System.out.println(OperatorFor1OperandExpressions(expression) + " " + OperandFor1OperatorExpressions(expression) + " = " + Math.sqrt(OperandFor1OperatorExpressions(expression)));
else if (OperatorFor1OperandExpressions(expression).equals("~")) {
double x = 0.0;
System.out.println(OperatorFor1OperandExpressions(expression) + " " + OperandFor1OperatorExpressions(expression) + " = " + (Math.round(OperandFor1OperatorExpressions(expression))+ x));
else if (OperatorFor1OperandExpressions(expression).equals("s")) {
System.out.println(OperatorFor1OperandExpressions(expression) + " " + OperandFor1OperatorExpressions(expression) + " = " + Math.sin(OperandFor1OperatorExpressions(expression)));
else if (OperatorFor1OperandExpressions(expression).equals("c")) {
System.out.println(OperatorFor1OperandExpressions(expression) + " " + OperandFor1OperatorExpressions(expression) + " = " + Math.cos(OperandFor1OperatorExpressions(expression)));
else if (OperatorFor1OperandExpressions(expression).equals("t")) {
System.out.println(OperatorFor1OperandExpressions(expression) + " " + OperandFor1OperatorExpressions(expression) + " = " + Math.tan(OperandFor1OperatorExpressions(expression)));
public static double FirstOperandFor2OperandExpressions(String expression) {
String[] tokens = expression.split(" ");
String OperandOrOperator = tokens[0];
double y = Double.parseDouble(OperandOrOperator);
return y;
public static double SecondOperandFor2OperandExpressions(String expression) {
String[] tokens = expression.split(" ");
String OperandOrOperator = tokens[2];
double y = Double.parseDouble(OperandOrOperator);
return y;
public static String OperatorFor2OperandExpressions(String expression) {
String[] tokens = expression.split(" ");
String OperandOrOperator = tokens[1];
return OperandOrOperator;
public static String OperatorFor1OperandExpressions(String expression) {
String[] tokens = expression.split(" ");
String OperandOrOperator = tokens[0];
return OperandOrOperator;
public static double OperandFor1OperatorExpressions(String expression) {
String[] tokens = expression.split(" ");
String OperandOrOperator = tokens[1];
double y = Double.parseDouble(OperandOrOperator);
return y;
public static boolean QuitFunction(String expression) {
if (expression.equalsIgnoreCase("quit")) {
return false;
else {
return true;
Take a look at this code. I think this might help you in the right direction. It's similar to what you have already written except it eliminates the need for method calls in your while
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
while (!input.hasNext("quit")) {
String expression = input.nextLine(); // gets the next line from the Scanner
next2(expression); // process the input
// once the value "quit" has been entered, the while loop terminates
Writing it this way drastically cleans up your code and prevents a new declaration of Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in);
each time an input is processed.