Shortcode parser in C#

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-12 06:49:36


This question was probably asked before but there are no proper solutions, at least I am unable to find one.

I have a CMS in C#, the article is saved in the database and what I need it while loading the article it should parse available shortcodes like Wordpress.

string str = "Hello there, show my name as [shortcodeX val="Garth"]";

What I need is some help to parse it based on the shortcode called.

public string shortcodeX(string val)
    return "hi" + val;

string str = ParseStringForShortCode(str);

I hope I am able to explain the requirement here and looking for some help

P.S.: I found something in PHP at Shortcode plugins for own custom cms like wordpress shortcode plugins but since I dont know PHP, its hard for me to understand.


This seems what you need:

You can also install it via NuGet.

