Delphi - Using DBGrid to select rows from a search

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-12 06:44:27


I have searched a database using a query.

The results of the search are displayed in a DBGrid component for the user to select the row s/he wishes to proceed with.

DBGrid always sets the record pointer to the first record in the results set, so a row is always "selected" by default. I need to change this behaviour to no row being selected when the data is first presented so that I can determine if the user has actually made a selection.

Is it possible to tell if no selection has been made, i.e. no row has been selected by the user?

Any help very much welcomed!


You can include dgMultiSelect into DBGrid.Options, then DBGrid.SelectedRows will contain list of explicitly selected record bookmarks. Without dgMultiSelect the DBGrid always track the current dataset record.

