How to attain virtualization in listbox with different layouts of Windows Phone App

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-12 05:45:35


I have a List box with different user controls in WP7 app. How should I apply virtualization with Virtualization Mode as "recycling". Because when I applied the results are not smooth. There seem to be a jerk while scrolling. In Android, for the same scenario the User Controls will be tagged their recycling is handled preoperly since they are perfectly distinguished and here any such option is not given.

Any idea how to handle this scenario?

I tagged silverlight and c# becuase WP7 has both sides when adding any such properties.


The behaviour you see is due to the items in the list being of different heights. This causes the list to constantly need to remeasure the contents and the scroll offsets become incorrect as items are removed from the list, hence the jumpiness.

Your best bet for smooth scrolling is to use items of the same height or not use virtualisation.

