I want to iterate through a dropdown list using Watin. The HTML looks like this:
<select name="ctl00$Header1$ddlPropertyList" onchange="javascript:setTimeout('__doPostBack(\'ctl00$Header1$ddlPropertyList\',\'\')', 0)" id="ctl00_Header1_ddlPropertyList" onmouseover="this.title=this.options[this.selectedIndex].title" style="width:325px;">
<option selected="selected" value="0185795046:R:GPC:Eligible:F" title="0185795046 - ">0185795046 - </option>
<option value="0325844068:R:GPC:Eligible:F" title="0325844068 - ">0325844068 - </option>
<option value="0374795034:R:GPC:Eligible:F" title="0374795034 - ">0374795034 - </option>
<option value="0510031035:C:GPC:Eligible:F" title="0510031035 - ">0510031035 - </option>
<option value="1424795158:R:GPC:InEligible:F" title="1424795158 - ">1424795158 - </option>
<option value="1550795037:R:GPC:Eligible:F" title="1550795037 - ">1550795037 - </option>
When you click on one of the options in the dropdown, it loads a different page, and I want to load each of them in succession. Basically, I'm trying to do something like this:
SelectList ddl = browser.SelectList(Find.ById("ctl00$Header1$ddlPropertyList"));
foreach (var item in ddl.AllContents)
But I'm pretty sure my code is just wrong.
When looping through a list of items, sometimes I've run into cases where objects are out of scope, especially when using the Page Object pattern (use it - it is great!). So I tend to use looping an explicitly declared count rather than referencing the list to loop through. Added bonus: Storing count in a variable and using that variable is quicker than referencing the browser object each time; makes a difference if you have a large number of items to loop through.
Some rough unfinished code - basically what alonp said fleshed out a bit more:
int numberOfItems = browser.SelectList(Find.ById("ctl00$Header1$ddlPropertyList")).count;
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfItems; i++)
//this is one the "search" page
browser.yourGoAction(); <- assumes navigation isn't automatic when an item is selected. EG: button.Click() or something.
//this is on the "results" page.
do stuff
//go back to the "search" page.