Image preview box

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-12 05:07:20


I have an issue with images preview in my CSS (or jQuery?).

Please look at the right example page in top and my messed page in bottom:

Actually I want to keep my preview box in the browser windows, but now it's crossing over the edge.

PS: I didn't use jQuery codes, the preview box is CSS.

What should I do now? Should I solve the issue with jQuery?

This is my whole code. I grabbed the whole preview box from this tutorial:
CSS3 Demos - Image popup


<ul class="enlarge">
  <li><img src="assets/image-enlarge01-sml.jpg" width="150px" height="100px" alt="Dechairs" /><span><img src="assets/image-enlarge01.jpg" alt="Deckchairs" /><br />Deckchairs on Blackpool beach</span></li>
  <li><img src="assets/image-enlarge02-sml.jpg" width="150px" height="100px" alt="Blackpool sunset" /><span><img src="assets/image-enlarge02.jpg" alt="Blackpool sunset" /><br />Sunset over the Irish Sea at Blackpool</span></li>
  <li><img src="assets/image-enlarge03-sml.jpg" width="150px" height="100px" alt="Blackpool pier" /><span><img src="assets/image-enlarge03.jpg" alt="Blackpool pier" /><br />Rolling waves off Blackpool North Pier</span></li>


ul.enlarge {
    list - style - type: none; /*remove the bullet point*/
    margin - left: 0;
ul.enlarge li {
    display: inline - block; /*places the images in a line*/
    position: relative;
    z - index: 0; /*resets the stack order of the list items - later we'll increase this*/
    margin: 10 px 40 px 0 20 px;
ul.enlarge img {
    background - color: #eae9d4;
    padding: 6 px; - webkit - box - shadow: 0 0 6 px rgba(132, 132, 132, .75); - moz - box - shadow: 0 0 6 px rgba(132, 132, 132, .75);
    box - shadow: 0 0 6 px rgba(132, 132, 132, .75); - webkit - border - radius: 4 px; - moz - border - radius: 4 px;
    border - radius: 4 px;
ul.enlarge span {
    position: absolute;
    left: -9999 px;
    background - color: #eae9d4;
    padding: 10 px;
    font - family: 'Droid Sans',
    sans - serif;
    font - size: .9e m;
    text - align: center;
    color: #495a62; 
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0,0,0, .75));
-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0,0,0, .75);
box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0,0,0, .75);
-webkit-border-radius: 8px; 
-moz-border-radius: 8px; 
ul.enlarge li:hover{
z-index: 50;
ul.enlarge span img{
background:# ccc;
ul.enlarge li: hover span {
    top: -300 px; /*the distance from the bottom of the thumbnail to the top of the popup image*/
    left: -20 px; /*distance from the left of the thumbnail to the left of the popup image*/
ul.enlarge li: hover: nth - child(2) span {
    left: -100 px;
ul.enlarge li: hover: nth - child(3) span {
        left: -200 px;
    /**IE Hacks - see for more info on how to use CS3Pie and to download the latest version**/
ul.enlarge img, ul.enlarge span {
    behavior: url(pie /;


Image preview on mouseover script


this.imagePreview = function(){ 

    xOffset = 10;
    yOffset = 30;

    // these 2 variable determine popup's distance

    this.t = this.title;
    this.title = "";    
    var c = (this.t != "") ? "<br/>" + this.t : "";
    $("body").append("<p id='preview'><img src='"+ this.href +"' alt='Image preview' />"+ c +"</p>");                                
        .css("top",(e.pageY - xOffset) + "px")
        .css("left",(e.pageX + yOffset) + "px")

    this.title = this.t;    

        .css("top",(e.pageY - xOffset) + "px")
        .css("left",(e.pageX + yOffset) + "px");

starting the script on page load



let preview = document.querySelectorAll(".preview");
let previewBoxImg = document.querySelector(".previewBox img");
let previewBox = document.querySelector(".previewBox");

for(let i = 0; i < preview.length; i++){
		let imgSrc = this.href;
	  previewBoxImg.src = imgSrc;
		previewBox.classList.add("show"); = `top: ${e.clientY};left: ${e.clientX};`;

  background: #212323;
  width: 10em;
  height: 10em;
  padding: 0.3em;
  display: none;
	position: relative;


  display: block;


.previewBox img{
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
<a href="" target="_blank" class="preview">Rainbow Dash</a>

<a href="" target="_blank" class="preview">AppleJack</a>

<a href="" target="_blank" class="preview">Fluttershy</a>

<a href="" target="_blank" class="preview">Pinkie</a>

<a href="" target="_blank" class="preview">Rarity</a>

<a href="" target="_blank" class="preview">Twilight</a>

<div class="previewBox">
  <img src="" />

