I'm trying to write a program in MIPS that continuously prompts for two integers and prints the sum until the sum is 0. The trick is that if the sum is 13, I need to call a method to change the assembled MIPS code so that
add $t2, $t0, $t1
and $t2, $t0, $t1
and all subsequent runs of the loop use the and instruction.
I have the summation loop working so that when 13 is the sum the method instMod is called which I want to modify the instruction. Unfortunately, I have no idea where to start and can't find any examples of this online. I assume I need to somehow get the hex code of the add out of the assembled code and replace it with the hex code for the and but I do not know how to do that or if that is the right course of action to take.
# Nick Gilbert
# MIPS Program to demonstrate self-modifying code
num1Prompt: .asciiz "Enter num1: "
num2Prompt: .asciiz "Enter num2: "
num1: .word 0
num2: .word 0
addOut: .asciiz "ADD: "
andOut: .asciiz "AND: "
la $a0, num1Prompt #Asking user for num1
li $v0, 4 #Call code to print string
li $v0, 5 #Call code to read an int
move $t0, $v0 #Moving read int to $t1
la $a0, num2Prompt #Asking user for num2
li $v0, 4 #Call code to print string
li $v0, 5 #Call code to read an int
move $t1, $v0 #Moving read int to $t2
add $t2, $t0, $t1 #Adding num1 and num2 together
la $a0, addOut
li $v0, 4
move $a0, $t2
li $v0, 1
beq $t2, 13, instMod #Calling method to modify add instruction if sum = 13
bne $t2, 0, sumLoop #If result is not yet 0, ask for new sum
li $v0, 10
instMod: #Method to change add instruction to an and instruction
Add a label at the instruction you want to replace, e.g:
add $t2, $t0, $t1 #Adding num1 and num2 together
then in your routine instMod
instMod: #Method to change add instruction to an and instruction
lw $t1, instruction_to_replace
sw $t1, instruction_to_be_replaced
j sumLoop # go back to your sumLooop
and $t2, $t0, $t1
The code loads in temporary register $t1
the contents of the instruction you want to replace, and then stores it in the location labelled instruction_to_be_replaced
The "source" of the instruction goes labelled in instruction_to_replace.
To do this, you need to be able to write on the code section which I assume you have otherwise you would not be asking this question.
Try this:
- Assemble the instruction that you need to an object file
- Extract the hexadecimal of the equivalent machine code
- Place a label in front of the code you need to change
the hexidecimal from step 2 into the location from step 3 in yourinstMod
For this to function the two instructions with operands must be of identical length. If they are not, pad the original or the replacement with nop
as appropriate.