I am using SoapUI to test webservices. The following string (in xml format) is my request:
I am using the following code in a groovy script to extract value of Asset_Number for each AC (The above xml string is stored in variable strRequest):
def x = new XmlSlurper().parseText("$strRequest")
x.AC.each { AC ->
assetNum = AC."Asset_Number"
<<do something with the assetNum>>
However, I wish to parameterize the above code to pick up Asset_Number for various types of assets (e.g. AC, Peripheral etc). The request xml for each asset is in the same format as above. If I replace 'AC' with variable name 'requestName' in above code:
//strRequest = xml request
def requestName //I will pick up value for this from a test case property
def x = new XmlSlurper().parseText("$strRequest")
x.(requestName.toString()).each { requestName ->
assetNum = requestName."Asset_Number"
<<do something with the assetNum>>
it shows the following error:
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed: Script166.groovy: 35: The current scope already contains a variable of the name requestName @ line 35, column 2. { ^ org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.SyntaxException: The current scope already contains a variable of the name requestName
I have tried a solution mentioned in another post Using a String as code with Groovy XML Parser, but it doesn't serve my purpose.
Any other ideas?
You can use
Why XmlSlurper? In SoapUI you can use XmlHolder
import com.eviware.soapui.support.XmlHolder
def responseHolder = new XmlHolder(messageExchange.getResponseContentAsXml())
def resultFromResponse = responseHolder["here_is_your_xpath"]
assert someExpectedResult == resultFromResponse
And if you need to iterate via multiple xml nodes
assert result == resultFromResponse