I want to have a file just to store the colors and some other settings that I am going to use in my css styles. Because I don't want to specify the same color in different files multiple times. How can I achieve that with css modules?
For example: setting.css
$primary-color: #785372;
$secondary-corlor: #22b390;
.button {
background: $primary-color;
display: flex;
From your samples that looks like Sass (which can be used in conjunction with CSS modules). If so then just import the partial containing the variables.
@import 'path/to/variables.scss';
If there's no Sass involved then postcss-modules-values is what your looking for:
@value primary: #785372;
@value secondary: #22b390;
@value primary, secondary from './path/to/variables.css';
.button {
background: primary;
display: flex;
Actually there's even more options, still through PostCSS plugins. postcss-simple-vars or postcss-custom-properties, the later having the clear advantage to stay close to the CSS specification.
They all share the same requirement though, importing the configuration file in a way or another.