
Using SCSS variables in CSS Modules

风格不统一 提交于 2021-02-18 22:33:06
问题 I've a _color.scss file which consists of 400 colors as variables. And I've like 20 components which needs this color variables in their styles. I'm using SCSS + CSS Modules to construct my styles. As of now, I'm importing this _color.scss in each and every component's style.scss . Example: component1.scss @import "color.scss"; component2.scss @import "color.scss"; component3.scss @import "color.scss"; Previously, when I was using SCSS standalone, I'll import the color.scss to my index.scss

How can I style react-datepicker?

随声附和 提交于 2021-01-26 19:34:53
问题 I'm using webpack , react-datepicker and have managed to import its css with the provided css module. import 'react-datepicker/dist/react-datepicker-cssmodules.css The component looks fine and dandy, but now I want to make it full width like the time element above it. Looking at the CSS, what it needs is for the react-datepicker-wrapper element that gets dynamically added by the library to have display: block . Any modifications I make to react-datepicker-wrapper in my own css does nothing.

How can I style react-datepicker?

人走茶凉 提交于 2021-01-26 19:30:02
问题 I'm using webpack , react-datepicker and have managed to import its css with the provided css module. import 'react-datepicker/dist/react-datepicker-cssmodules.css The component looks fine and dandy, but now I want to make it full width like the time element above it. Looking at the CSS, what it needs is for the react-datepicker-wrapper element that gets dynamically added by the library to have display: block . Any modifications I make to react-datepicker-wrapper in my own css does nothing.

How can I style react-datepicker?

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2021-01-26 19:24:54
问题 I'm using webpack , react-datepicker and have managed to import its css with the provided css module. import 'react-datepicker/dist/react-datepicker-cssmodules.css The component looks fine and dandy, but now I want to make it full width like the time element above it. Looking at the CSS, what it needs is for the react-datepicker-wrapper element that gets dynamically added by the library to have display: block . Any modifications I make to react-datepicker-wrapper in my own css does nothing.

React: Hide a Component on a specific Route

寵の児 提交于 2020-07-17 10:16:41
问题 New to React: I have a <Header /> Component that I want to hide only when the user visit a specific page . The way I designed my app so far is that the <Header /> Component is not re-rendered when navigating , only the page content is, so it gives a really smooth experience. I tried to re-render the header for every route, that would make it easy to hide, but I get that ugly re-rendering glitch each time I navigate. So basically, is there a way to re-render a component only when going in and

Conditional Import based on environment variable

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-30 06:33:32
问题 I have a react component which has X options for a stylesheet to be imported which is using CSS Modules. I ideally want to have a global environment variable fetched by using e.g. process.env.THEME I can't use: import MyStyleSheet from `${process.env.THEME}/my.module.css` I can use: const MyStyleSheet = require(process.env.THEME/my.module.css); however..... import/no-dynamic-require eslint rule kicks off saying its bad.

Cant use css modules in React with Bootstrap4

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-24 21:30:21
问题 I want to use React CSS modules with Bootstrap. First, I created a project with the create-react-app command. Then, I installed Bootstrap 4 with NPM and included it in my app.js like: import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css'; I also did npm eject to have access to my Webpack config file. Meanwhile I wanted to use CSS modules in my layout.js file, so I went to and changed modules to true: test: /\.css$/, use: [ require.resolve('style-loader'), { loader: require.resolve(

How to use React Module CSS in Meteor 1.3 beta

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-22 03:36:09
问题 EDIT: Meteor 1.3 release is out and a npm package is about to be released allowing a direct use of CSS modules without Webpack I would like to use in Meteor 1.3 via NPM. But the readme says to use Webpack. I never used Webpack as it seems to me to do the same build job as Meteor. So do you know a way, in this specific case, for using React Module CSS in Meteor 1.3 beta? 回答1: There is actually package for this. MDG is also considering bring webpacks

Use CSS Modules in React components with Typescript built by webpack

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-18 03:04:37
问题 I want to use the css-loader with the 'modules' option of webpack in a React application written in Typescript. This example was my starting point (they are using Babel, webpack and React). webpack config var webpack=require('webpack'); var path=require('path'); var ExtractTextPlugin=require("extract-text-webpack-plugin"); module.exports={ entry: ['./src/main.tsx'], output: { path: path.resolve(__dirname, "target"), publicPath: "/assets/", filename: 'bundle.js' }, debug: true, devtool: 'eval

How to create a global settings file in react css modules

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-12 04:30:58
问题 I want to have a file just to store the colors and some other settings that I am going to use in my css styles. Because I don't want to specify the same color in different files multiple times. How can I achieve that with css modules? For example: setting.css $primary-color: #785372; $secondary-corlor: #22b390; Button/styles.css .button { background: $primary-color; display: flex; } 回答1: From your samples that looks like Sass (which can be used in conjunction with CSS modules). If so then