strange preg_quote behavior

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-12 04:21:05


I have this code

$a = "\\u0000";
$b =  preg_quote($a);
echo "<br />my own: ".$a;
echo "<br />with preg_quote:". $b;

result is here

How is possible that one \ character vanished from my $a variable?

I think it's very begginer behavior/question but I'm really lost about these escape characters.

Disclaimer: I'm not begginer in PHP


because \ escapes the next one, as every \ needs to be escaped.

with a single \ it escapes the next character witch is u, but \u isn't a char code so it is displayed like a simple character


because \ does have a meaning in string.

i.e. \n is the char code for a new line

so \\ is the escaped version of a backslash and evaluates to \



// $a is \ now, because first \ escape another \

all is OK


in $a the double-backslash is evalutated as an escaped backslash, leads to one backslash in output.

in $b preg_quote will escape both backslashes as they are regex-meta-characters. leads to four backslashes in a row, leads to two backslashes in your output.


\\ is the escaped version of \. So, the original string, when printed, only displays a single \. However, preg_quote escapes the \ character with another \ and thereby results in \\.

