Background: I have an oracle table, the table doesn't have any specific column as timestamp while table creation script. This table can have millions of rows.
Employee {Emp_No, Name, Manager,Division, Role, Region}
My quest: If any updates happened through a job on that table, can i know which all rows got updated. Does oracle have any internal timestamp for each row which i can leverage. Can i use it in query to get all records.
Reason: I need to show my team those ambiguous records weren't updated by the job we all are suspecting.
Oracle has ORA_ROWSCN
Pseudocolumn. This columns returns "the conservative upper bound system change number (SCN)" of last transaction made on row or data block. This is a good estimate for when the block or row was last changed.
If your table is create with ROWDEPENDENCIES
returns scn for row. NOROWDEPENDENCIES
is the default, in which case Oracle tracks SCN at the block level.
allows you to converto scn to timestamp but for old scn it raises exception.
Approximate update time can be retrieved with SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP(ORA_ROWSCN)
For each row, ORA_ROWSCN returns the conservative upper bound system change number (SCN) of the most recent change to the row. This pseudocolumn is useful for determining approximately when a row was last updated. It is not absolutely precise, because Oracle tracks SCNs by transaction committed for the block in which the row resides.