Google+ deep linking

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-12 03:32:28


The docs here seem to be hopelessly out of date, as I cannot find any of the mentioned (like "Edit settings").

Can somebody provide some guidance on how to make a deep link to my app work from within a Google+ post?

e.g., I would expect a link such as "appname://?id=12345678" to be a clickable thing that directs the user either to install the app or opens the installed app and takes the user directly to the content specified by the id. Instead, this link is posted as plain text...

Moreover, will I need to fight with every social network to get deep links to work properly? Does anybody have any experience making this sort of thing work on Twitter, Facebook, etc?

We are developing with Meteor, and using the Cordova cordova-plugin-x-socialsharingplugin


You may want to try using App Invites, which either will let the app receive data from the invitation if the app is already installed (e.g. a coupon) or will install the app.

