I want to make one search bar on top of the mainscreen and this search bar should include one editfield and one image of search icon. Please help me...
Thanks, in advance
You need to use an HorizontalFieldManager to put editfield and image on the same line. Read here http://www.blackberry.com/developers/docs/6.0.0api/net/rim/device/api/ui/container/HorizontalFieldManager.html and here: http://www.androidadb.com/class/ho/HorizontalFieldManager.html , a simple example showing how adding two buttons in an HorizontalFieldManager. Just substitute buttons with yor needed fields.
Or you can play with GridFieldMgr:
GridFieldManager gridMgr_g = new GridFieldManager(1, 2, 0);
gridMgr_g.setColumnProperty(0, GridFieldManager.FIXED_SIZE, screenWidth-myBitmapRes.width);
gridMgr_g.setColumnProperty(1, GridFieldManager.FIXED_SIZE, myBitmapRes.width);
gridMgr_g.add(new EditField());
gridMgr_g.add(new BitmapField(Bitmap.getBitmapResource(myBitmapRes)));