could you help me. I saw on youtube the video about sentiment analysis in R, and the man showed how integrate R in Tableau, but he used another package , namely "sentiment", it does not suit me. And he used classify _ function from sentiment package and when he wrote formula in "calculate field" in tableau, he entered this
SCRIPT_STR('classify_polarity(.arg,algorithm="Bayes",verbose=TRUE) [,4]',
link https://boraberan.wordpress.com/2013/12/24/sentiment-analysis-in-tableau-with-r/
But for various reasons, i work with code, which specified here
And i don't know , on the basis of this code, what formula i must write in the calculate field. Please tell me, what i need write.
As far as i know sentiment has been removed from the cran. but you would find sentiment analysis version of jeffery breen most suitable. Check this link for more info.
Sentiment analysis using R