I'm having trouble in the setup of oocss-compass plugin. The steps I did:
Downloaded the oocss-compass and placed it on my desktop (https://github.com/he8us/oocss-compass) Inside the oocss-compass destkop folder I runed:
rvm use @global gem build oocss-compass.gemspec gem install oocss-compass-[GEMVERSION].gem
The gem is on my gem list (oocss-compass)
Then on my working folder (not RoR project, just empty folders and html static pages), I runed:
compass create css -r oocss-compass --using oocss-compass
And it returns me an error:
Errno::ENOENT on line ["95"] of /Users/username/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290@global/gems/compass-0.11.7/lib/compass/installers/base.rb: No such file or directory - /Users/username/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290@global/gems/oocss-compass-0.0.1/lib/../templates/project/partials/_base.sass
What can be missing or what i did wrong on the installation?
I've just submitted the modifications to GitHub and published a gem on Rubygems.org ;)
You can update the gem and start building...
Have a nice day, He8us
I'm the owner of the repository.
I've just did the test and I have the same problem. It's probably because Compass changed the way to create the plugins. I will look at it and come back to you asap.