I have a little web instrument (see link above) that has a memory leak, and I am unsure how to plug it.
The following function is called when an element is hovered over (there are a couple hundred of these).
function tone(id, freq, tonelength) {
gainNodes.id = audioCtx.createGain();
osc.id = audioCtx.createOscillator();
// set frequency and gain
osc.id.frequency.value = freq;
gainNodes.id.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(.1, audioCtx.currentTime);
gainNodes.id.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0, audioCtx.currentTime + parseFloat(tonelength));
I think that duplicate oscillators are being created, but am not sure how to check if this is the case, or how to avoid it.
I have a feeling I should check to see if the oscillator already exists, and just run the gain, but I am not sure how to do that.
I have tried to stop the oscillator after it's duration, but this does not seem to stop the leak: http://codepen.io/superuntitled/pen/rVmqYX?editors=001
osc.id.stop(audioCtx.currentTime + parseFloat(tonelength));
Any thoughts on how this could be done?
The thing with osc.id
is a little weird, since you're setting id
as a property name instead of osc[ id ]
– but leaving that part aside, you'd want to add this to the bottom of your tone()
var current = osc.id;
current.stop( audioCtx.currentTime + 2 );
current.onended = function() {
That basically says "Stop playing after 2 seconds, and when you're done, disconnect yourself from the AudioContext".
If id
was dynamically assigned to osc
(e.g. osc[ id ]
), then you'd likely also need to delete osc[ id ]
– but that seems to just be getting overridden each time tone()
is called with the way you have it now – so the old oscillator should become eligible for garbage collection.
The reason for the current
variable is that by the time onended
fires, osc.id
will likely have been reassigned – so you need a reference to the original oscillator.
Hope that helps.