how do i replace a query with a new value in urlparse?

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-12 02:57:08


so I have a data as follows:

 item = '//'

using urlparse module. how can i replace the above data with a new size to make it look like this:

  item = '//'


Here is an answer which, as requested, uses urlparse:

import urllib
import urlparse

url = '//'
parts = urlparse.urlparse(url)
query_dict = urlparse.parse_qs(parts.query)  # {'wid': ['98'], 'hei': ['98']}
query_dict['wid'] = '360'
query_dict['hei'] = '360'
new_parts = list(parts)
new_parts[4] = urllib.urlencode(query_dict)
print urlparse.urlunparse(new_parts)


if hei and wid always equal one number ,so we have :

 a = item[item.find('=')+1:item.find('&')] #this is the number in url (in your example it is 98
 item.replace(a, '360')   #item.replace(a, NewNumber) 

hope it helps :)


Is that what you want ?

item_360 = item.replace("=98","=360")
print item_360

I put "=" to avoid replacing number before (if exist).

For more complex replacement you can have a look to regex

So, if you don't know 98, you can use regex :

import re
item_360 = re.sub("=\d+", '=360', item)

