Following the example in this link , I would like to draw a vertical line on my chart. The problem is, when I try to create a vertical line (on the same date), instead of obtaining the line, dimple adds my 2 values and draws a point, like in this example: fiddle
var dim = {"width": 590,"height": 450}; //chart container width
var data = [{"date": "01-02-2010", "cost": "11.415679194952766"}, {"date": "01-03-2010", "cost": "10.81875691467018"}, {"date": "01-04-2010", "cost": "12.710197879070897"}];
function barplot(id, dim, data) {
keys = Object.keys(data[0]);
var xcord = keys[0];
var ycord = keys[1];
var svg = dimple.newSvg(id, dim.width, dim.height);
var parser = d3.time.format("%d-%m-%Y")
var dateReader = function (d) {
return parser.parse(d[xcord]);
var start = d3.time.month.offset(d3.min(data, dateReader), -1);
var end = d3.time.month.offset(d3.max(data, dateReader), 1);
var myChart = new dimple.chart(svg, data);
myChart.setBounds(60, 30, 505, 305);
//var x = myChart.addCategoryAxis("x", xcord);
var x = myChart.addTimeAxis("x", xcord, "%d-%m-%Y", "%b %Y");
x.overrideMin = start;
x.overrideMax = end;
x.showGridlines = true;
x.timePeriod = d3.time.months;
x.floatingBarWidth = 100;
var y = myChart.addMeasureAxis("y", ycord);
y.showGridlines = true;
y.tickFormat = ',.1f';
var s1 = myChart.addSeries(null, dimple.plot.bar);
var s2 = myChart.addSeries(null, dimple.plot.line);
s2.lineWeight = 3;
var s3 = myChart.addSeries("Price Break", dimple.plot.line);
s3.data = [{
"Price Break": "high",
"cost": 12.71,
"date": '13-01-2010'
}, {
"Price Break": "high",
"cost": 12.71,
"date": '13-01-2010'
}, ];
barplot("body", dim, data);
The solution I have for now is I draw a bar chart with one value, but this is a workaround, because later on I want to add some text next to this line, vertically oriented also.
I have searched on Google and on StackOverflow, but I cannot find a solution to this problem, and in the documentation I also cannot find any hint on how to do that, and it is very annoying.
Any help would be appreciated :)
I have seen how you can make a line with d3, the problem is that I want this drawn with dimple.
The approach you reference draws a line from the minimum date to the maximum date at the same price. You have changed the dates to match which means the points get aggregated. The easiest way I can think to do this is with a single point area, which will automatically draw a line from the x axis. By drawing it against a hidden 100% axis it will go to the top of the chart:
First add a hidden percentage axis:
var y2 = myChart.addPctAxis("y", "Dummy");
y2.hidden = true;
Then map a new area series to it with a single data point (the value here doesn't matter as it will be the only data point and therefore automatically the maximum value):
var s3 = myChart.addSeries("Price Break", dimple.plot.area, [x, y2]);
s3.data = [{
"Price Break": "high",
"Dummy": 1,
"date": '13-01-2010'
Finally it's probably worth removing the tooltip from this line as it references a dummy value:
s3.addEventHandler("mouseover", function () {});
Here it is in your fiddle: