I have a Huge database in phpmyadmin. It have 1500 tables because I'm using Drupal. I used the command
mysqldump -u [username] -p[password] [databasename] > [filename.sql]
To create a .sql file on the server. It took some time but was 100% complete. I then tried to copy the file to my local machine with Filezilla, it kept crashing and stopping so I used the command
scp [my_username]@[my_host]:[filename.sql] /some/local/directory.sql
This took a couple of hours but also said It was 100% complete. After this I opened MySQL workbench and imported from the file on my local machine. When the import was finished I have 1024 tables. I thought this was less than it should be and checked phpmyadmin with this sql command
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = <MyDatabaseName>;
This command returned table like this
So from this result I'm missing 484 tables. Where have they gone? are they meaningless tables or will this cause problems if I try to deploy?
My thoughts were that one of these commands leave behind some tables that Drupal creates because it sees them as pointless or broken.
Any help is really appreciated.