I've been trying to implement Sigmoid curves since 12 hours ago and i could not manage to get it up.
I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
The formula is y = 1/(1+exp(-e))
Yet when i try implementing in the codes it does not work, why? Can any experts please guide me along, thank you.
for(int y=0; y<bih.biHeight; y++)
for(int x=0; x<bih.biWidth; x++)
SetPixel(hdc, (double)1/((double)1+exp(double(-x))), bih.biHeight-x, red);
Your result for the (double)1/((double)1+exp(double(-x)))
expression is between 0 and 1. You can't draw "subpixels" can you?
So to fix it, you need to multiply the result of the function by a value that will make it go through a visible range. For example:
(double)1/((double)1+exp(double(-x))) * bih.biHeight