Titanium Alloy with Android Emulator on Windows 10

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-12 02:31:53


I'm having huge problems with Titanium Alloy on Windows 10. I am using the Atom editor to write my apps. Whenever I execute ti build, enter the command up to 10(!!!) times until an Android device can be found. For the Android emulator I get an error message as follows:

    [Error] Failed to install apk on "emulator-5554"
    [Error] Error: device not found

I tried the commands ti build -p android, ti build -p android -T emulator and ti build -p android -T emulator -C emulator-5554 --log-level info. I also tried starting the emulator manually from avd.exe. I deleted the AVD and created a new one, too

When a device (USB debugging enabled) is connected, i tried ti build -p android -T device and ti build -p android -T device -C XT1032, where XT1032 is the name of the device. I get an error message as follows:

    [ERROR] Unable to find any devices

I didn't try so far if the device will be found after some more tries.
When executing the commands, I tried all 4 combinations:

  • emulator off, device disconnected
  • emulator off, device connected
  • emulator on, device disconnected
  • emulator on, device connected

I uninstalled Titanium, Android SDK, NodeJS and Java and deleted all folders of them. I removed all registry entries, too. Then I installed everything again, Titanium at last. Same problem.
I am using Java 32 bit (v8.0.1020.14), NodeJS v4.2.6 (also tried v6.3.0, but v4.2.x is recommend), Android SDK (SDK Tools v25.1.7, SDK Platform-tools 24.0.1 and SDK Build-tools 21.1.2. I also tried SDK Build-tools 24.0.1, but 21.x.x is recommend) and Titanium (SDK v6.0.0.v20160719180254, CLIv5.0.9).

I modified my environment variables as follows:
C:\android-sdk\tools;C:\android-sdk\platform-tools;C:\android-sdk\ndk-bundle;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk<version>\bin
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk<version>
C:\android-sdk I had to set ANDROID_SDK_HOME and C:\android-sdk\ndk-bundle, otherwise the NDK and the AVDs wouldn't be found by ti setup check.

Here is a screenshot of ti setup check: link to image I don't know why https://www.google.com is unreachable. Furthermore, Intel HAXM is installed. I even reinstalled it without success. The previous installation of Titanium could find it...

Thanks for your help!

TLDNR: my Titanium Alloy installation has problems finding devices. It only works from time to time without any obvious pattern


The process terminates after building the APK file. If the emulator is running, it is possible to manually install the APK. Use this command in the Command Line:

    <Android SDK folder>\platform-tools\adb.exe -s emulator-5554 install -r -d <project path>\<project folder>\build\android\bin\<project name>.apk

The project name is equal to the project folder name. After installing the APK, the application can be started manually in the emulator.

Nonetheless, there are still a lot of issues when developping on Windows 10... I think this forces me to switch to a MAC.

