I used this source http://www.cats.rwth-aachen.de/library/programming/cocoa
to create my custom sheet.
I created a NSPanel
object in existing .xib file and connected with IBOutlet
My source code:
@interface MainDreamer : NSWindow <NSWindowDelegate>
NSPanel *newPanel;
@property (assign) IBOutlet NSPanel *newPanel;
@dynamic newPanel;
//this method is wired with button on main window and calls a sheet
- (IBAction)callPanel:(id)sender
[NSApp beginSheet:newPanel
modalForWindow:[self window] modalDelegate:self
contextInfo: nil]; //(__bridge void *)[NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0]
//this method is wired with cancel and ok buttons on the panel
- (IBAction)endWorkPanel:(id)sender
[newPanel orderOut:self];
[NSApp endSheet:newPanel returnCode:([sender tag] == 9) ? NSOKButton : NSCancelButton];
//closing a sheet
- (void)myPanelDidEnd:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(int)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
if (returnCode == NSCancelButton) return;
So callPanel
works fine, sheet appears but I can't interact with controls on the sheet (with buttons). They don't react on a click (even visually).
Where the problem lies?
Heh, I forgot about
[newDreamPanel close];
in applicationDidFinishLaunching
method. I wrote it because I wanted the panel to not appear when main window launches.
In fact, the Visible At Launch
panel's property should be activated in IB. The close
method works too, but side effect is that all controls become unable on the panel.