In my model(Product) i have a validation, that each product should have a valid owner (login_id of user)
validates_presence_of :owner
validates_inclusion_of :owner, :in => User.first.login_id, :message => "%{value} is not a valid owner name"
I am trying to create product mock object using factory girl
for creating a new product I need login_id of a user. to do so i have create a user.
up to this every thing is ok, but when i am trying to create a Product using that user's login_id product is not create, and displaying validation message ("User1 is not a valid owner name").
After digging into deeper i found that
- Problem arise from validation in my model.
- I have a validation (validates_inclusion_of :owner, :in => User.first.login_id) which initialize before creating the mock user in factory.rb, (up to that time no user is created in database, user is created after initialization of model when it execute factory.rd )
My question is: 1. How do I able to create a user before initialization of model.
Can you not create a user object, and then pass that object to your product factory? This should create a valid user and then supply it through the owner association and make the product valid.
user = Factory(:user, :name => "User1")
product = Factory(:product, :owner => user)
This user apparently has to be the first user too? So if you have existing user objects then you can try clearing all users before you create the first one.
I solve this problem as follows:
In my model I have replaced the 'Rails validation' by writing Custom validation method. This custom validation method will be called at the time of creating 'Product'.
validates_presence_of :owner
validate :owner_should_be_registered_user
def owner_should_be_registered_user
if !User.all_user.include? owner and !owner.nil?
errors.add(:owner, "is not a valid user")