I previously asked this but I closed it as it was a close duplicate of the same issue with git log
. Now I have a similar question that why does git reflog show 'different lists of HEAD logs'?
If I use keyboard to go down I see from HEAD0 all the way to HEAD 247 which is where I clone
d my repo. which sounds very logical and understandable YET I see another long list that is from HEAD 1 to HEAD 225 & then another that is from HEAD0 to HEAD 225 and then another that is from HEAD0 to HEAD 90. Why are there various versions of history? Or are they something else entirely?
Bash Output sample
7136d2c HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving from master to master
7136d2c HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from xhh994 to master
7136d2c HEAD@{2}: merge master: Fast-forward
f50e2ef HEAD@{3}: checkout: moving from master to xhh994
// Lots of more lines
7136d2c HEAD@{90}: pull upstream master: Fast-forward
7136d2c HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving from master to master
7136d2c HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from xhh994 to master
7136d2c HEAD@{2}: merge master: Fast-forward
f50e2ef HEAD@{3}: checkout: moving from master to xhh994
// Lots of more lines
7136d2c HEAD@{225}: pull upstream master: Fast-forward
7136d2c HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving from master to master
7136d2c HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from xhh994 to master
7136d2c HEAD@{2}: merge master: Fast-forward
f50e2ef HEAD@{3}: checkout: moving from master to xhh994
// Lots of more lines
7136d2c HEAD@{225}: pull upstream master: Fast-forward
7136d2c HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving from master to master
7136d2c HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from xhh994 to master
7136d2c HEAD@{2}: merge master: Fast-forward
f50e2ef HEAD@{3}: checkout: moving from master to xhh994
// Lots of more lines
7136d2c HEAD@{247}: clone from: github.mycompany.com/myproject
Why don't I only and only see:
7136d2c HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving from master to master
7136d2c HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from xhh994 to master
7136d2c HEAD@{2}: merge master: Fast-forward
f50e2ef HEAD@{3}: checkout: moving from master to xhh994
// Lots of more lines
7136d2c HEAD@{247}: clone from: github.mycompany.com/myproject