I want to substring the text, ex. "Hello - How are you?" by using this code
$text= "Hello - How are you?";
$strings = explode(' - ',$text);
echo $strings[0]; // Hello
echo $strings[1]; // How are you
it will not work, because of ' - '.
If i change to:
$text= "Hello-How are you?";
$strings = explode('-',$text);
echo $strings[0]; // Hello
echo $strings[1]; // How are you
it's ok.
Can someone help me? Thank you.
I had the same problem, after an hour of investigating, turns out that texts copied from Microsoft Word have such a problem, word chooses to convert the minus character ( - ) to en dash ( – ) here you can see them side by side to see the difference: -–
I don't know why word does that, but we are used to see such annoying things done by word and you should never let anyone copy a text from word to you application!
To make you code work in these conditions you must first replace these odd characters:
$text= "Hello-How are you?";
$strings = str_replace('–', '-', $text);
$strings = explode('-',$text);
echo $strings[0]; // Hello
echo $strings[1]; // How are you
I find out another way:
$title= str_replace('–', '-', $title);
$size = explode('-', $title);
Anything else works for me
Chances are, your "spaces" are not real spaces but rather tabs or similar, and the hypen could be one different from the standard one, for example —
or –
instead of -
You could then try the following:
$strings = preg_split('/\s[—–-]\s/', $text);
to properly split that string.