I am having trouble unmarshalling a json data of the below format to a struct. The structure of the json looks a bit confusing to me, so apologies for all the dumb things I am doing to unmarshal it.
"message": {
"Server1.example.com": [
"application": "Apache",
"host": {
"name": "/^Server-[13456]/"
"owner": "User1",
"project": "Web",
"subowner": "User2"
"Server2.example.com": [
"application": "Mysql",
"host": {
"name": "/^Server[23456]/"
"owner": "User2",
"project": "DB",
"subowner": "User3"
"response_ms": 659,
"success": true
I am trying to unmarshal it using the following struct.
type ServerDetails struct {
Message struct{
Hostname struct{
Details struct{
Application string `json:"application"`
The fields Server[0-9].example.com
will be unknown at the time of generating, and will change, and there is this field
"application": "Apache",
"host": {
"name": "/^Server-[13456]/"
just after the server name that doesn't have a key outside, which again looks confusing to me. I tried a good number of combinations to understand how this could be unmarshalled, but I failed.
What is a working approach to get the json fields unmarshal into a struct?
You could include a map[string]ServerStruct to fullfill your requirements.
your struct could look like this:
type YourStruct struct {
Success bool
ResponseMS int
Servers map[string]*ServerStruct
type ServerStruct struct {
Application string
Owner string
With some additional json tags, you will be able to parse your json.
You JSON is not valid with superfluous comma after the second ] Once you correct the JSON, you can use the excellent https://mholt.github.io/json-to-go/ to build the following Go struct
type AutoGenerated struct {
Message struct {
Server1ExampleCom []struct {
Application string `json:"application"`
Host struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
} `json:"host"`
Owner string `json:"owner"`
Project string `json:"project"`
Subowner string `json:"subowner"`
} `json:"Server1.example.com"`
Server2ExampleCom []struct {
Application string `json:"application"`
Host struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
} `json:"host"`
Owner string `json:"owner"`
Project string `json:"project"`
Subowner string `json:"subowner"`
} `json:"Server2.example.com"`
} `json:"message"`
ResponseMs int `json:"response_ms"`
Success bool `json:"success"`