I am pretty new at Python and I want to automate a process that takes a lot of my time but now. I need to rename about 200 + excel files that need to be renamed, but here is the catch they cant be consequential instead they need to be "vlooked up" of a master spreadsheet that contains the names and then name the files exactly how its named on the master spreadsheet. So for example:
folder I got:
1. filexxxxFA9261
2. filexxxxFA3040
3. filexxxxFA5251
and on my master spreadsheet I got:
1. FA9261.4586.56641.1212
2. FA3040.6589.65555.1516
3. FA5251.3562.65555.5633
basically I just need to vlookup the "FA###" string of the master spreadsheet and rename that file according to what says on the master spreadsheet.
Can someone point me in the right direction? I have been trying to look it up everywhere but most renaming is done sequentially and not of a spreadsheet individually.
Here is an exact example on how it should look like:
This is how the file it’s named initially (it varies depending on who sent it):
And this is how it needs to look like exactly
Something like this may help using pandas
to deal with the Excel spreadsheet. I'm assuming 6C is relevant from the master spreadsheet.
import pandas
import shutil
master = pandas.io.excel.read_excel('master.xlsc', 'sheet1')
for r in master:
key1 = r.split('.')[3]
key2 = r.split('.')[4][-2:]
old = 'ASSET MOVEMENT %s %s' % (key1, key2)
new = r
shutil.move(old, new)