Dispatcher Timer freezing the WPF

你。 提交于 2019-12-12 00:09:59


I am designing a 3 DOF control application for AR Drone (quad-rotor UAV) .. i am using multiple PID controllers to control the UAV .. these controllers are implemented by using dispatcher timer class .. for example at the start of the program I initialize the dispatcher timer like :

        timer_yaw = new DispatcherTimer();
        timer_yaw.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 45);
        timer_yaw.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_yaw_tick);

as soon as the user presses a button on the GUI this timer is fired .


in timer_yaw_tick i do a little bit of processing :

    private void timer_yaw_tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // drone commands and stuff ... basically a PD controller
            DroneData data = droneControl.NavigationData;
            PV_yaw = data.Psi;

            SP_yaw = angle;

            Error_yaw = SP_yaw - PV_yaw;

            if (Error_yaw >= 0)
                yaw_pd = 0.5f;
            else if (Error_yaw < 0)
                yaw_pd = -0.5f;

            Derivative_yaw = (Error_yaw - PreError_yaw) / Dt_yaw;

            Output_yaw = (Kp_yaw * Error_yaw) + (Kd_yaw * Derivative_yaw);

            PreError_yaw = Error_yaw;

            Output_yaw = Math.Round(Output_yaw, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

            Output_yaw = Output_yaw * 1000;

            t_PD_yaw = Convert.ToInt32(Output_yaw);

            // this t_PD_yaw is then sent to the drone via WiFi to make required adjustment


Now in my application around 7 of these timers are running which are triggered at different time intervals....( the timer duration is mostly in milliseconds of all timers)

the problem i am facing is that my code runs fine sometimes but at times the application completely freezes i.e no response whatsoever .. its really making me go nuts and i can't seem to figure out the problem... am i using the correct timer for the job ???

Help would be really appreciated.. Thnx


Most likely you are using default Dispatcher which is related to the main UI thread and since DispatcherTimer is connected to Default Dispatcher - you simply overloaded UI Thread Dispatcher queue by a lot of job.

One useful test - just measure how long timer_yaw_tick() method is executed in average by putting at the start and the edn following:

// start
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

// end

// see value of the watch.ElapsedMilliseconds property

I would recommend using System.Threading.Timer class for periodic job scheduling and to dispatch UI control updates to the UI thread use Dispatcher.Invoke()/Dispatcher.BeginInvoke()

