A deletable prime is a prime number that can have its digits removed in a certain order to always create primes, and eventually end up with a single digit prime. For example, 3301
is a deletable prime because it can be manipulated like this: 3301 -> 331 -> 31 -> 3
. I'm trying to write a recursive function in Python that traces the all paths of a deletable prime back to its single digit root(s) but I'm completely stuck. It has gotten way over my head and I can't even follow my own code anymore. A complete example of the desired output for the function is something along the lines of getTraces(3793)
returns [[3793, 373, 73, 7], [3793, 373, 73, 3], [3793, 373, 37, 7], [3793, 373, 37, 3], [3793, 379, 79, 7], [3793, 379, 79, 3], [3793, 379, 37, 7], [3793, 379, 37, 3]]
Here is the current version of the function I have (if this of any help). I'm trying to get it to return a list of all the possible paths to a single digit prime but I can't wrap my head around the recursive thinking necessary to have it trace all the paths and put them neatly in a list:
def getTraces(prime):
paths = []
print("Parents: " + str(asc(prime)))
for p in asc(prime):
if len(str(p)) == 1:
print("One Digit Prime: "+ str(p))
return [p]
traceArray = getTraces(p)
print("Trace: " + str(traceArray))
if traceArray != []:
for t in traceArray:
paths.append(str(prime) + ", " + str(p) + ", " + str(t))
#traceString = str(p) + ", " + str(traceArray)
return paths
This function just returns a list of all the parents of a prime (all the possible primes with one digit removed) and is used in the getTraces() function
def asc(prime):
adj = []
s = str(prime)
if len(s) == 1: return []
for i in range(0, len(s)):
num = int(s[:i] + s[i+1:])
if isPrime(num):
if not num in adj:
print("That is not a prime number!")
return None
return adj
And a very nice utility method I made for checking if a number is prime:
def isPrime(x):
if x <= 1: return False
for i in range(1, int(sqrt(x)) + 1):
if not gcd(i, x) == 1:
return False
return True
import math
def test(x, curr, acc):
if x < 10:
for i in range(int(math.log(x,10))+1,0,-1):
k = int(x / (math.pow(10,i))) * math.pow(10,i-1) + (x % math.pow(10,i-1))
if isPrime(k):
next = list(curr)
test(k, next, acc)
Something like this should work with k
being the accumulator. You could add another function to make calling it easier:
def getTraces(prime):
traces = []
test(prime, [prime], traces)
return traces
I'm not going to debug your code for you, but I'll try to answer the concrete questions you have:
but I can't wrap my head around the recursive thinking necessary to have it trace all the paths and put them neatly in a list:
To make a recursive function collect its results into a list, you'll need to do something like this:
def _myfn(data, res):
if (..recurse..):
return _myfn(data2, res + [item]) # item being the result of this iteration
# terminal case
return res
def myfn(data):
return _myfn(data, [])
You can squash these into one function:
def myfn(data, res=None):
if res is None:
res = []
if (..recurse..):
return myfn(data2, res + [item])
# terminal case
return res
or you can make _myfn
local to myfn
def myfn(data):
def _myfn(data, res):
if (..recurse..):
return _myfn(data2, res + [item])
# terminal case
return res
return _myfn(data, [])
When it comes to wrapping your head around recursive thinking, just remember to (1) always handle the base case ;-) and (2) in each recursion first (i) generate all possible next-steps and (ii) then recurse on each of them. Writing a separate function for (i) usually clears up the code a bit.
As an example of a recursive function that finds all paths from the root to a leaf in a binary tree (slightly pedagogically coded) -- which is what you're trying to do..:
# tree = (root, left, right)
def all_paths(t):
leaf_paths = []
def _all_paths(t, res):
root, left, right = t
# calculate all next-steps
next_steps = [step for step in [left, right] if step]
if not next_steps:
# handle base case (found one solution)
leaf_paths.append(res + [root])
# recurse
for step in next_steps:
_all_paths(step, res + [root])
_all_paths(t, [])
return leaf_paths
>>> all_paths( (2, (), ()) )
>>> all_paths(
... (2,
... (3, (), ()),
... (4, (), ())))
[[2, 3], [2, 4]]
and for this graph
>>> t = (
(2, (), ()),
(5, (), ()),
(11, (), ()))),
(4, (), ()),
>>> print all_paths(t)
[[2, 7, 2], [2, 7, 6, 5], [2, 7, 6, 11], [2, 5, 9, 4]]
I was finally able to solve my problem so I thought I might as well post my answer since I can't delete the question. I eventually gave up on trying to do it recursively since I came up with a way to do it without recursion, but I appreciate the help and pointers everyone provided. Here is my solution:
def trace(prime):
def sub(paths):
result = []
"""Increases path depth by one"""
for path in paths:
pathResult = []
for parentOfLast in asc(path[len(path)-1]):
pathResult.append(path + [parentOfLast])
#print("Path: " + str(pathResult))
result += (pathResult)
return result
result = [[prime]]
while len(result[0]) < len(str(prime)):
result = sub(result)
return result
Looks like you find your solution, but given yours definition there is prime numbers that can never be deletables, like 11 or 911 or 1601 because no matter what I do, never reach a single digit prime, and I don't see in yours code that consideration so here is my take on that using recursion and itertools:
import itertools
def isDeletablePrime(n,*,valor=True):
if isPrime(n):
N = str(n)
S = len(N)
if S>1 and any( p in N for p in "2 3 5 7".split()) :
resul = list()
for num in set( map(lambda x: int("".join(x)), itertools.combinations(N,S-1)) ): #set(...) eliminate potencial duplicates like with 331 there are 2 way to get 31, removing the firts or second 3
temp = isDeletablePrime(num,valor=True)
if temp:
resul.extend( (n,)+tt for tt in temp )
if valor:
return tuple(filter(lambda r:len(r)==S, resul ))
return any( len(r)==S for r in resul )
elif n in {2,3,5,7}: #base case
return ((n,),) if valor else True
return tuple() if valor else False #base case and default
print(3301,"->", isDeletablePrime(3301) )
print(3793,"->", isDeletablePrime(3793) )
print(1601,"->", isDeletablePrime(1601) )
this can be used as a predicate and a function I make it that way for no particular reason