Silverstripe hash link rewriting putting unwanted slash in link

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-11 20:17:06


Ok so I am developing a site in Silverstripe CMS that is using anchor links on one of it's pages. Thing is that in Silverstripe there is a rewrite going on that puts slashes before the hash in your links.

So in the docs it explains that you can put this in your YAML to disable slashes before hashes:

Which I have done like so (YAML validates ok):


SSViewer: rewrite_hash_links: false

And then in my template file this is how I am constructing my link with anchor:

<a href="$ParentPage.Link#$URLSegment">Link</a>

(note that this template file is for a dataobject, I'm not sure if that has any baring)

And the outputted link is:


but should be:


I'm all out of ideas. Any pointers?


In your DataObject's getLink() method you can simply remove the trailing slash using rtrim:

public function getLink() {
    //remove trailing slash from parent link
    $parentLink = rtrim($this->ParentPage()->Link(), '/'); 
    return $parentLink . '#' . $this->URLSegment;

Now in your template just run in DataObject's scope:

<a href="$Link">Link</a>

Though i didn't notice any disadvantage with having the trailing slash in the url.

HTH, wmk

