get Dataobjects from Children - SilverStripe 3.1

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-11 19:39:36


I've got a GalleryHolder with Gallery-Pages as children. Each Gallery-Page has a Dataobject(VisualObject) to store the images.

I managed it to get 3 random images from a GalleryPage on it's gallery page and 3 random images from all galleries on the GalleryHolder page.

But what I want are 3 random images for each gallery shown on the GalleryHolder page.

Here's my Code, can someone tell me how to do that?

  • GalleryHolder:
  • Gallery:
  • VisualObject:


the simple solution is to just foreach your children

public function getRandomPreviewForAllChildren($numPerGallery=3) {
    $images = ArrayList::create();
    foreach($this->data()->Children() as $gallery) {
        $imagesForGallery = $gallery->GalleryImages()
            ->filter(array('Visibility' => 'true'))
    return $images;

// EDIT as reponse to your comments:

if you want it to be grouped by gallery, I would do it different all together (forget the above code and just do the following):

put this in your Gallery class:

// File: Gallery.php
class Gallery extends Page {   

    public function getRandomPreview($num=3) {
        return $this->GalleryImages()
            ->filter(array('Visibility' => 'true'))

and then in template of the Parent (the GalleryHolder) you just call that function:

// File:
<% loop $Children %>
    <ul class="random-images-in-this-gallery">
        <% loop $RandomPreview %>
        <% end_loop %>
<% end_loop %>

// EDIT another comment asks for an exaple of a single dataobject:

if you just want 1 random gallery image, use the following:

// File: Gallery.php
class Gallery extends Page {   

    public function getRandomObject() {
        return $this->GalleryImages()
            ->filter(array('Visibility' => 'true'))
        // or if you want it globaly, not related to this gallery, you would use:
        // return VisualObject::get()->sort('RAND()')->first();

and then in template you access the method directly:
$RandomObject.ID or $RandomObject.Visual or any other property
or you can use <% with %> to scope it:

<% with $RandomObject %>
<% end_with %>

