I am switching over from netbeans to Sublime Text 2. One of the features I really love in NetBeans is if you hit ctrl+Left Click (Yes I am using Windows) on a call to an object or method it will open the file with the object/method and go straight to the object/method. Is there a way to do this in Sublime Text 2?
I've just started using Sublime Text3 and have also been using NetBeans.
As Pascamel mentioned in the above comment, this is your best bet: https://github.com/SublimeCodeIntel/SublimeCodeIntel
You can install the Sublime Text Package Control, and then can install each plugin directly from Sublime and they will be kept up to date automatically by Package Control. https://sublime.wbond.net/
Note: If you can't find the package then you may have to Choose "add repository" from the package control and paste the Git url. After you do this, you can go to "Install package" from package control and you will then you will be able to find the plugin for the repo you just added.
I get Dash for your needs.
You can find more introduction about dash in kapeli site.
It's my first paied-app in Mac. Besides Sublime Text Dash can be supportive to Textmate, Eclipse and other editor or IDEs.
You can try its demo version for now.
To access a class with Sublime Text 3 and SublimeCodeIntel just Alt + Click on the Class Name.
See also here: