Get the current value of a function which returns random values

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-11 17:34:13


The thing I am trying to do is to get the current video Id of the youtube videos that are currently playing and display it in a div.

This is my YT iframe API code (like in the basic example on the google dev site):

  var player;
  function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
    player = new YT.Player('player', {
      height: '390',
      width: '640',
      videoId: currentVideoId,
      events: {
        'onReady': onPlayerReady,
        'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange,
        'onError': onError,


as you can see, the VideoId (the first video it will play) is set by a variable called "currentVideoId", which was set before like this:

var currentVideoId = '9z4Kft47kBM'

I want to display the current ID in a div

<div id="currentVideoDiv"></div>

To do this i used this code:

$('#currentVideoDiv').html('Currently Playing:' + currentVideoId);

so far so good, it shows my first videoID correctly.

Now after the first video has ended, the onStateChange event will call this function:

function onPlayerStateChange(event) {
 if( === 0) {             

The "swapVideo" function will call the function getId();

 function swapVideo() {   


The getId() function will get a random videoID from an xml file, don´t worry about that in detail.

 function getId() {
 return videos[Math.floor(Math.random() * videos.length)];


So now a new video with a new videoId is playing, but the value in the currentVideoDiv is still the same since nothing did change it.

The question is, how can i get the new current id, which was set randomly by the getId function and display it in the currentVideoDiv?


This is based on the assumption that you update the display id after loadVideoById

function swapVideo() {

 var currentVideoId = getId();


 $('#currentVideoDiv').html('Currently Playing:' + currentVideoId);


