WatIn Add a new option to a Selectlist?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-11 17:34:12


I need to add a new option to a selectList in one of my unit tests, and I can't figure out how to do it.

The Dropdown currently has 2 options, I want to add a third, and use it.

I tried to use JavaScript injection using http://stevenharman.net/blog/archive/2007/07/10/add-option-elements-to-a-select-list-with-javascript.aspx as a base, but that failed. I get exceptions that crash the IE browser every time, and the text "RunScript failed" gets printed into my logs even though I don't use that text in my error output.

Is this possible in Watin? Or has Open Source Failed me?


Using the code in the link you provided, with one small change I've gotten it to work.

My changes

  • Changed the ID to the ID of my dropdown (of course!)
  • Changed the $ in the element get to 'document.getElementById'. With the $ in there instead I don't see any obvious errors or anything like that; just no action taken.

The 'New Option' is added to the dropdown as the last item and it is the selected item.

string js = "";
js = js + "var theSelectList = document.getElementById('myDropDownID'); ";
js = js + " AddSelectOption(theSelectList, \"My Option\", \"123\", true);";
js = js + " function AddSelectOption(selectObj, text, value, isSelected) ";
js = js + "{";
js = js + " if (selectObj != null && selectObj.options != null)";
js = js + "{";
js = js + " selectObj.options[selectObj.options.length] = new Option(text, value, false, isSelected);";
js = js + "}}";


My setup

  • WatiN 2.0
  • IE8
  • Win7

Checked when the dropdown has 1 entry and 2 entries; both scenarios had "My Option" added without issue.

