I have this data which is residual series obtained from predicted values and observations. original series was a random walk with a very small drift(mean=0.0025).
err <- ts(c(0.6100, 1.3500, 1.0300, 0.9600, 1.1100, 0.8350 , 0.8800 , 1.0600 , 1.3800 , 1.6200, 1.5800 , 1.2800 , 1.3000 , 1.4300 , 2.1500 , 1.9100 , 1.8300 , 1.9500 ,1.9999, 1.8500 , 1.5500 , 1.9800 ,1.7044 ,1.8593 , 1.9900 , 2.0400, 1.8950, 2.0100 , 1.6900 , 2.1800 ,2.2150, 2.1293 , 2.1000 , 2.1200 , 2.0500 , 1.9000, 1.8350, 1.9000 ,1.9500 , 1.7800 , 1.5950, 1.8500 , 1.8400, 1.5800, 1.6100 , 1.7200 , 1.8500 , 1.6700, 1.8050, 1.9400, 1.5000 , 1.3100 , 1.4864, 1.2400 , 0.9300 , 1.1400, -0.6100, -0.4300 ,-0.4700 ,-0.3450), frequency = 7, start = c(23, 1), end = c(31, 4))
and I know this residual series has some seriel correlations and can be modeled by ARIMA
# x axis starts with zero.
# showing only integer lags here, same plot as full seasonal periods.
# shows it typically can be fitted by a MA model.
I have attempted following fittings:
m1 <- auto.arima(err, stationary=T, allowmean=T)
# ARIMA(2,0,0) with zero mean
# Coefficients:
# ar1 ar2
# 0.7495 0.2254
# s.e. 0.1301 0.1306
# sigma^2 estimated as 0.104: log likelihood=-17.65
# AIC=41.29 AICc=41.72 BIC=47.58
m2 <- auto.arima(err, allowmean=T)
# output
# ARIMA(0,2,2)
# Coefficients:
# ma1 ma2
# -1.3053 0.3850
# s.e. 0.1456 0.1526
# sigma^2 estimated as 0.1043: log likelihood=-16.97
# AIC=39.94 AICc=40.38 BIC=46.12
if we refer to auto.arima
's help page we see that:
stationary: If TRUE, restricts search to stationary models.
From the acf
and pacf
of err
we can see that it is to be fitted by an MA
model rather than AR
, why does auto.arima
give me an AR
My understanding is that both m1
and m2
should be stationary, then
what's the purpose of this stationary
it's even more interesting now, if we plot the roots of these two models:
the model when stationary=T
(m1) is less stationary than m2
if we look at the roots plot, although m1$residuals is white noise.
I can't answer the first question, but regarding the second, auto.arima()
can actually generate non-stationary models to fit the given time series. The 'i' stands for integrated, meaning it can use integration. You can transform most (all?) non-stationary models by taking the difference (diff) of each observation from the previous (much like a derivative in calculus), and then transform it back to the original time-series by integrating.
So, if you don't want to let auto-arima()
generate non-stationary models, then you use the stationary
argument, basically limiting it finding a fit using the simpler ARMA models.