The following canonical XBase entities grammar (from "Implementing Domain-Specific Languages with Xtext and Xtend" Bettini) permits entities to extend any Java class. As the commented line indicates, I would like to grammatically force entities to only inherit from entities.
grammar org.example.xbase.entities.Entities with org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.Xbase
generate entities "http://www.example.org/xbase/entities/Entities"
'entity' name=ID ('extends' superType=JvmParameterizedTypeReference)? '{'
// 'entity' name=ID ('extends' superType=[Entity|QualifiedName])? '{'
attributes += Attribute*
operations += Operation*
'attr' (type=JvmTypeReference)? name=ID ('=' initexpression=XExpression)? ';';
'op' (type=JvmTypeReference)? name=ID
'(' (params+=FullJvmFormalParameter (',' params+=FullJvmFormalParameter)*)? ')'
Constructor: 'new'
'(' (params+=FullJvmFormalParameter (',' params+=FullJvmFormalParameter)*)? ')'
Here is a working JVMModelInferrer for the model above, again where the commented line (and extra method) reflect my intention.
package org.example.xbase.entities.jvmmodel
import com.google.inject.Inject
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmTypeReference
import org.eclipse.xtext.naming.IQualifiedNameProvider
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.jvmmodel.AbstractModelInferrer
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.jvmmodel.IJvmDeclaredTypeAcceptor
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.jvmmodel.JvmTypesBuilder
import org.example.xbase.entities.entities.Entity
class EntitiesJvmModelInferrer extends AbstractModelInferrer {
@Inject extension JvmTypesBuilder
@Inject extension IQualifiedNameProvider
def dispatch void infer(Entity entity, IJvmDeclaredTypeAcceptor acceptor, boolean isPreIndexingPhase) {
acceptor.accept(entity.toClass("entities." + entity.name)) [
documentation = entity.documentation
if (entity.superType !== null) {
superTypes += entity.superType.cloneWithProxies
//superTypes += entity.superType.jvmTypeReference.cloneWithProxies
entity.attributes.forEach [ a |
val type = a.type ?: a.initexpression?.inferredType
members += a.toField(a.name, type) [
documentation = a.documentation
if (a.initexpression != null)
initializer = a.initexpression
members += a.toGetter(a.name, type)
members += a.toSetter(a.name, type)
entity.operations.forEach [ op |
members += op.toMethod(op.name, op.type ?: inferredType) [
documentation = op.documentation
for (p : op.params) {
parameters += p.toParameter(p.name, p.parameterType)
body = op.body
entity.constructors.forEach [ con |
members += entity.toConstructor [
for (p : con.params) {
parameters += p.toParameter(p.name, p.parameterType)
body = con.body
def JvmTypeReference getJvmTypeReference(Entity e) {
The following simple instance parses and infers perfectly (with the comments in place).
entity A {
attr String y;
new(String y) {
entity B extends A {
new() {
super("Hello World!")
If, however, I uncomment (and comment in the corresponding line above) both the grammar and the inferrer (and regenerate), the above instance no longer parses. The message is "The method super(String) is undefined".
I understand how to leave the inheritance "loose" and restrict using validators, etc., but would far prefer to strongly type this into the model.
I am lost as to how to solve this, as I am not sure where things are breaking, given the role of XBase and the JvmModelInferrer. A pointer (or reference) would suffice.
[... I am able to implement all the scoping issues for a non-xbase version of this grammar ...]
this won't work. you either have to leave the grammar as is and customize proposal provider and validation. or you have to use "f.q.n.o.y.Entity".typeRef
. You can use NodeModelUtils
to read the FQN or try something like ("entities."+entity.superType.name).typeRef