RestApi Post request using CodeIgniter

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-11 16:48:45


I am implementing my own API. I’m following the tutorial here. Even though I follow it I had a hard time to make my API working.

I didn’t get what is the difference with CodeIgniter REST Server and CodeIgniter REST Client. If someone explain it to me it would be a big help.

And now my real problem is: I have a controller below and I extends the REST_Controller.php which was written in the tutorial.

 class Call extends REST_Controller
   public function news()
     // initialize you setting 
     $config = array(
        'server' => 'localhost'


     // Set method of sending data
     $method = 'post';

     // create your param data
     $param = array(
        'id' => '1',
        'name' => 'test'

     // url where you want to send your param data.
     $uri = '';

     // set format you sending data

     // send your param data to given url using this
     $result = $this->rest->{$method}($uri, $params);

        'id' => '1',
        'name' => 'test'

What I expected is when I access this url http://localhost/website/index.php/call/news. I will get a JSON response. But what I get is {"status":false,"error":"Unknown method"}. I can’t find what is wrong.


Download or clone the branch from here

Drag and drop the application/libraries/Format.php and application/libraries/REST_Controller.php files into your application's directories. To use require_once it at the top of your controllers to load it into the scope. Additionally, copy the rest.php file from application/config in your application's configuration directory.


require APPPATH . '/libraries/REST_Controller.php';

class Call extends REST_Controller
   public function news_get()
     //Web service of type GET method
     $this->response(["Hello World"], REST_Controller::HTTP_OK);
   public function news_post()
     //Web service of type POST method
     $this->response(["Hello World"], REST_Controller::HTTP_OK);
   public function news_put()
     //Web service of type PUT method
     $this->response(["Hello World"], REST_Controller::HTTP_OK);
   public function news_delete()
     //Web service of type DELETE method
     $this->response(["Hello World"], REST_Controller::HTTP_OK);

Use Postman Development Environment tool for debugging the API

