Via controller, I am sending a ViewData to my View (.cshtml) with the name of several other ViewDatas. On the controller side, I am creding and sending this way:
List<string> Names = new List<string>();
ViewData["ViewDataNames2"] = Names;
So, this stores all the name of the ViewDatas that I am creating.
Then, and where I am struggling, is how to work with this ViewData, using Jquery, on my .cshtml side. My idea is to
- Get each of this ViewData["ViewDataNames2"] strings;
- Compare the name of each string with the name of a DropDownListFor;
- If part of the name of the DropDownListFor matches one of the ViewData string name, I should print (eventually, I will do more work but for now I am trying to print it).
Inside my script, I am sucesufull getting the name of my DropDownListFor this way:
console.log($("#SeriesTypeId option:selected").text().replace(" ", ""));
But this is where I am getting stuck. I wanna do some sort of foreach loop to compare this dropdown with each string of the ViewData["ViewDataNames2"]. What I tried:
Retrieve the ViewData like this:
var yValue = "@ViewData["ViewDataNames2"]";
For my Loop I tried this way:
@foreach (var myName in (List<string>)ViewData["ViewDataNames2"])
<td class="text-center">FormatName('@myName.NameOfViewData2', 1);</td>
I also tried this approach:
// If I try this way, on the console it will give error: SyntaxError: unexpected token: keyword 'class'
/var xValue = @ViewData["ViewDataNames"];
// If I try this way, on the console it will give error: SyntaxError: expected property name, got '&'
//var check = @(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ViewData["ViewDataNames"]));
You need to serialize the list and then convert back to JavaScript array using Json.Parse
var xValue = JSON.parse('@Html.Raw(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ViewData["ViewDataNames"]))');
and in JavaScript loop the array as:
for (var i = 0; i < xValue.length; i++) {
var obj = xValue[i];
//perform operation...