download edited data table gives warning in shiny app

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-11 15:36:52


Here is an example shiny app that allows user to download editable table. User can click on the csv button on the upper left corner to download the table.

However, I found after I edit any cell in the table (by double click on any cell and modify contents), when I click on the csv button, enter file name and save, I got warning message like below:

dataTables warning: table id=DataTables_Table_3 - invalid json response. 
For more information about this error, please see

Although I was still able to save the table as csv file, the warning message is very annoying.

This only happens after I add the argument server=FALSE in the renderDT function. The reason I need server=FALSE is without this, the app only download the first page of the folder (missing all the rest of data after saving).

Another problem is after I edit a cell, if I check/uncheck some columns, the editted cell goes back to its original value.

Does anyone know how to fix these issues?

Thanks a lot.

The example shiny app is below:


    # UI
    ui = fluidPage(DT::dataTableOutput('tbl'),
                                      label='Select Columns:',
                                      choices= c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width', 'Petal.Length', 'Petal.Width', 'Specie'),
                                      selected = c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width', 'Petal.Length', 'Petal.Width', 'Specie'),
                                      inline=TRUE )


    # SERVER
    server = function(input, output) {

        df = reactiveValues()

        observe ({

            df$dat = iris %>% select(one_of(input$datacols))
        # render DT
        output$tbl = renderDT(server=FALSE, {
                editable = "cell",
                extensions = "Buttons",
                options = list(
                    dom = "Bfrtip", buttons = list("csv")))


        observeEvent(input[["tbl_cell_edit"]], {
            cellinfo <- input[["tbl_cell_edit"]]
            df$dat  <- editData(df$dat,  input[["tbl_cell_edit"]], "tbl")



That's because you're using the proxy with server = FALSE. You should not. Do

observeEvent(input[["tbl_cell_edit"]], {
  cellinfo <- input[["tbl_cell_edit"]]
  df$dat <- editData(df$dat,  input[["tbl_cell_edit"]])

and not

observeEvent(input[["tbl_cell_edit"]], {
  cellinfo <- input[["tbl_cell_edit"]]
  df$dat <- editData(df$dat,  input[["tbl_cell_edit"]], "tbl")

If you want to download the whole table with server = TRUE, see this discussion.

