I'm trying to create a function for an intersection where the input file is of some urban area, and a query box is used to create an output file that has the intersection containing just the buildings found in that query box.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import fiona
import fiona.crs
import rtree
input_file = 'se_england_clean.shp'
out_file = 'se_england_out'
file_index = 'Rtree_index_east.idx'
query_box = [-0.0957870483,51.5134165224,-0.08664608,51.5192383994]
def write_clipped_file(name_file_in, out_file, file_index):
idx = rtree.index.Index(file_index)
idx.insert(0, (input_file))
count = 0
with fiona.open(input_file, 'w') as out_file : #?
for building in out_file: #?
No idea if my code is right so far, but I have two immediate problems: First, I don't know how to open with Fiona the input shapefile and the new (clipped) shapefile that I want to produce in output. I want to cycle the list of indices, select the desired buildings, and write them in the new file 'out_file'. Second, I get an error:
RTreeError: Coordinates must be in the form (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
idx.insert(0, (input_file))
You need to insert coordinates into the tree, not a file name.