Silverstripe install.php can't find <mysite>

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-11 15:24:03


I have working SS v3.4 project locally. Now I want to deploy it. I've copied files to the server, run composer install to install vendor libraries. When I run install.php all requirements are fine except for missing mysite folder errors. That's intended because I renamed my project folder to let's say mydomain and it works fine on localhost. AFAIK SS should pick up the custom folder and recognise it as THE page folder. Somehow it doesn't happen. Any ideas why?


This is expected, since the installer specifically looks for "mysite".

You probably have two options:

  • Rename app to mysite on the serve, re-run the installer then rename the folder back to app
  • Don't run the installer at all - if you configure your own _ss_environment.php file and ensure assets folder is writeable you shouldn't need it

