I have registered a Paypal service provider:
and, when I type hint it in my controller it properly resolves:
public function refund(Request $request, PaypalHelper $paypal) {...
Here is my provider class:
class PaypalHelperServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
protected $defer = true;
public function register()
$this->app->bind('App\Helpers\PaypalHelper', function() {
$test = 'test';
return new PaypalHelper();
public function provides()
$test = 'test';
return [App\Helpers\PaypalHelper::class];
Everything works as expected. Now I wanted to be able to modify controller to take a PayPal interface. I would then update my service provider to conditionally pass in either the real class or a mock one for testing, using the APP_ENV variable to determine which one to use. I put some debuggers into the service provider class and could not get it to ever go in. I thought perhaps that it only loads them on need, so I put a breakpoint inside my controller. The class did resolve, but it still never went into the service provider class! Can someone explain to me why this is the case? Even when I modified the code to pass in a different class type it did not pick up.
Here is the code flow I see when I debug this: ControllerDispatcher -> resolveClassMethodDependencies -> resolveMethodDependencies -> transformDependency. At this point we have the following laravel code in the RouteDependencyResolveerTrait:
protected function transformDependency(ReflectionParameter $parameter, $parameters, $originalParameters)
$class = $parameter->getClass();
// If the parameter has a type-hinted class, we will check to see if it is already in
// the list of parameters. If it is we will just skip it as it is probably a model
// binding and we do not want to mess with those; otherwise, we resolve it here.
if ($class && ! $this->alreadyInParameters($class->name, $parameters)) {
return $this->container->make($class->name);
Since getClass() always resolves to the interface name, when we call container->make(), it always fails with
Target [App\Helpers\PaypalHelperInterface] is not instantiable.
$this->app->bind('App\Helpers\PaypalHelper', function() {
$test = 'test';
return new PaypalHelper();
if (app()->environment('testing')) {
} else {
I finally found out the issue. My problem was that my provider wasn't being picked up at all. Here was the solution
composer dumpautoload
php artisan cache:clear