What's the difference between array_merge and array + array?

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-11-27 03:24:50

The difference is:

The + operator takes the union of the two arrays, whereas the array_merge function takes the union BUT the duplicate keys are overwritten).


Here's a simple illustrative test:

$ar1 = [
   0  => '1-0',
  'a' => '1-a',
  'b' => '1-b'

$ar2 = [
   0  => '2-0',
   1  => '2-1',
  'b' => '2-b',
  'c' => '2-c'



with the result:

  [0] => 1-0
  [a] => 1-a
  [b] => 1-b
  [1] => 2-1
  [c] => 2-c
  [0] => 1-0
  [a] => 1-a
  [b] => 2-b
  [1] => 2-0
  [2] => 2-1
  [c] => 2-c

Notice that duplicate non-numeric keys will take the first value using the union operator but the later one using the array_merge.

For numeric keys, the first value will be used with the union operator whereas the all the values will be used with the array_merge, just reindexed.

I generally use union operator for associative arrays and array_merge for numeric. Of course, you can just as well use the array_merge for associative, just that the later values overwrite earlier ones.

array_merge() causes all numeric keys found in the input arrays to be reindexed in the resultant array. The union operator + does not cause a reindex.

The + sign only takes the value from the first occurence of an array key.
array_merge takes the value from the last occurrence of an array key.


$first = ['a'=>'one',

$second = ['a'=>'fourth',
        '3'=>'number three'];

$merged = $first + $second;
echo "<pre> plus sign merge\n";

$merged = array_merge($first,$second);
echo "\n array_merge function merge\n";

This outputs:

plus sign merge
array(4) {
string(3) "one"
string(3) "two"
string(5) "three"
string(12) "number three"

array_merge function merge
array(4) {
string(6) "fourth"
string(5) "fifth"
string(5) "sixth"
string(12) "number three"

Interesting to note in this is that the array_merge actally erases the '3' index of number three even though it's a string, because it's a number.

So take care when merging with array_merge arrays with numerical indexes. They might lose their keys. if they are important to you precede them with a string.

so instead of '3' => 'three' use something like '_3' => 'three'

Source: https://softonsofa.com/php-array_merge-vs-array_replace-vs-plus-aka-union/

Stop using array_merge($defaults, $options):

function foo(array $options)
   $options += ['foo' => 'bar'];

   // ...

Note: array_replace function exists since PHP5.3.

I believe array_merge overwrites duplicate non_numeric keys while $array1 + $array2 does not.

Yet another example (arrays without explicit keys; it's obvious regarding to how the operator + and array_merge work, but "obvious" things are simpler when seen ;))

$a = array('apple');
$b = array('orange', 'lemon');

echo '$a + $b = ';             print_r($a + $b);
echo 'array_merge($a, $b) = '; print_r(array_merge($a, $b));

will give:

$a + $b = Array
    [0] => apple
    [1] => lemon
array_merge($a, $b) = Array
    [0] => apple
    [1] => orange
    [2] => lemon

Please pay attention for another difference: the union (+) won't overwrite non-empty value with empty value (considering a same key), whereas array_merge will:

$a = array('foo' => 'bar');
$b = array('foo' => ''); // or false or 0

print_r(array_merge($a, $b);

Outputs :

    [foo] => bar
    [foo] => 0

So apparently if you change the order both union and merge will do the same thing

$a = array('foo' => 'bar', 'x' => 'fromA');
$b = array('foo' => null, 'x' => 'fromB');

echo '$a+$b: ';

echo '$b+$a: ';

echo 'array_merge($a, $b): ';
var_dump(array_merge($a, $b));

echo 'array_merge($b, $a): ';
var_dump(array_merge($b, $a));

Outputs :

$a+$b: array(2) {
  string(3) "bar"
  string(5) "fromA"
$b+$a: array(2) {
  string(5) "fromB"
array_merge($a, $b): array(2) {
  string(5) "fromB"
array_merge($b, $a): array(2) {
  string(3) "bar"
  string(5) "fromA"

Keep in mind the order of the arrays.
