Currently I'm looking into TDD with CoffeeScript and JsTestDriver however I'm stuck on a ReferenceError thrown by JsTestDriver.
Some info:
- Using the IntelliJ JsTestDriver plugin
- Testing via Chrome
- Configured JsTestDriver the same way as on: http://code.google.com/p/js-test-driver/wiki/QUnitAdapter
- Writing the tests in CoffeeScript
- CoffeeScript is compiled to javascript and put in the configured directories before the test is run
server: http://Mark-PC:9876/capture
- js/lib/main/*.js
- js/lib/test/sinon.js
- js/lib/test/qunit.js
- js/lib/test/equiv.js
- js/lib/test/QUnitAdapter.js
- js/coffee/main/controllers/*.js
- js/coffee/main/models/*.js
- js/coffee/test/controllers/*.js
class PortfolioController extends Backbone.Controller
constructor: ->
test: (a, b) ->
return a + b
Test code
module("PortfolioController", {
setup: -> @routeSpy = sinon.spy()
teardown: -> window.location.hash = ""
test 'indexRoute', ->
c = new PortfolioController
equals c.test(1, 1), 2, "1 + 1 = 2"
JsTestDriver throws a error
ReferenceError: PortfolioController is not defined
ReferenceError: PortfolioController is not defined
at Object. (http://mark-pc:9876/test/js/coffee/test/controllers/PortfolioController.test.js:12:5)
at [object Object].test indexRoute (http://mark-pc:9876/test/js/lib/test/QUnitAdapter.js:40:15)
- Removing dependancies such as jQuery, BackBone, etc
- Removed Qunit adapter and tried with jstestdriver asserts
- Added a class inside the test itself, then it worked
Seems like some kinda exporting issue or prototype conflict?
Sounds like you need to make PortfolioController
a global, perhaps by adding
root = window ? global
root.PortfolioController = PortfolioController
the end of the file, or by simply replacing
class PortfolioController extends Backbone.Controller
class @PortfolioController extends Backbone.Controller
taking advantage of the fact that this
is the global root in that context.
CoffeeScript never exports anything beyond a file's scope automatically; you have to do it explicitly. See my explanation for this behavior here.