(I'm a complete beginner with Scala and Slick, so code review of any kind is appreciated)
I have the following class
and Slick Table
case class Foo(title: String, description: String, id: Int = 0)
class FooTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[Foo](tag, "FOO") {
def id = column[Int]("ID", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def title = column[String]("TITLE", O.NotNull)
def description = column[String]("DESCRIPTION")
def * = (title, description, id) <> (Foo.tupled, Foo.unapply)
I want to add a method which will return a List
of Foo
s which match a specified title
. Something like this:
def findByTitle(title: String) = DB.withSession { implicit s: Session =>
<FooTable TableQuery>.filter(_.title === title)
I'd then be able to use the method like this:
val foos = TableQuery[FooTable]
DB.withSession { implicit s: Session =>
val anId = foos.findByTitle("bar")
How/where can I add a method which can act on a TableQuery
for a particular Table
? Is this even the correct way to be arranging my application?
implicit class FooTableExtensions(q: Query[FooTable,Foo]){
def findByTitle(t: String) = q.filter(_.title === t)
See Scala eXchange 2013 talk our website.
For pre-compiled queries it may be useful to have a DAO though, where you can cache the pre-compiled query. See Scala Days 2013 talk. Syntax changed since then though. Check the manual for Compiled
I think what you want is to introduce a DAO (data access object), depending on your needs you could let the companion object of the FooTable
class be the DAO which would let you call FooTable.findByTitle()
from the rest of your codebase.