Puppeteer Select Link

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-11 12:09:41


I want to click on a link in a html page, which contains following snippet:

<p>Die maximale Trefferanzahl von 200 wurde überschritten.
  <a href="/rp_web/search.do?doppelt">Verdoppeln Sie hier  Suchergebnislimit.</a>

I'm setting some filters before and then I am loading the page, which loads the page I need. On that resulting page, I want to click on the link as seen in the html snippet. The js I'm trying to use is this one

await Promise.all([
    page.click('input#landNW'), // set a filter
    page.click('input[type=submit]'), // submit the form
    page.waitForNavigation(), // wait for the page to load
    page.click('p a'), // not working: double the search results
    page.waitForNavigation() // not working: waiting for the page to reload
]).catch(e => console.log(e)); // no error

I am pretty sure the page.click('p a') is working properly, because in the console of my chrome browser I can do document.querySelector("p a").click(), which then reloads the page as expected.

I have also tried to select the url by using the href attr, e.g. with page.click('a[href="/rp_web/search.do?doppelt"]'), but I got an error: No node found for selector: a[href="/rp_web/search.do?doppelt"].

How can I accomplish what I expect to happen?

EDIT You can find the complete repo here: bitbucket/ytNeskews


There are lots of reports about page.click not working and in your case it indeed won't work for some reason. Luckily we can do everything with the help of a good old page.evaluate (or page.$eval): here I'm clicking the link manually in the browser context:

const puppeteer  = require ('puppeteer');
(async () => {
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless : false });
    const page = await browser.newPage();
    await page.goto('https://www.handelsregister.de/rp_web/mask.do?Typ=e');

    await Promise.all([
        page.click('input#landNW'), // set a filter
        page.click('input[type=submit]'), // submit the form
        page.waitForNavigation(), // wait for the page to load
    ]).catch(e => console.log(e));

    // Print the number of allowed results (must be 200)
    console.log(await page.$eval('#inhalt p', el => el.textContent.match(/\d+ hits/)[0]));

    await Promise.all([
         // Manual clicking of the link
         page.$eval('p a', el => el.click()),
    ]).catch(e => console.log(e));

    // Print the number of allowed results (must be 400 now)
    console.log(await page.$eval('#inhalt p', el => el.textContent.match(/\d+ hits/)[0]));

    await browser.close();


200 hits
400 hits

Also not that you should wait only for one page navigation at once. And one more note if I may — it is much more convenient to write such scripts with Chromium visible ({headless : false}).


The code seems fine and I think puppeteer is actually attempting the click. However, it's not clicking the link in question.

Change the viewport by

await page.setViewport({width: 1366, height: 768})

and your code seems to work. Have notified the puppeteer team about this possible bug.

